As highlighted on our recent INFO SPACE no. 03/2017, new interesting and useful functions are available on the latest software release (version 4.2.2), for our complete wheel alignment range (3D/WS/WD/Truck).
One of the above new function is the possibility of selecting a pre-scheduled “guided steering operation” during the alignment.
Let’s see how it works step by step.
Press F2 (blue) and select “Additional features”
Select “Miscellaneous”
Select “Miscellaneous 3”
The standard steering mode is “single or automatic” but selecting “Steering mode: wizard”, you can decide the planned steering sequence (f.e. 10°+Max, 20°+Max or ACK+max). This choice will remain in the settings and will be recalled on every alignment.
Select the vehicle model for making the alignment
The steering procedure mode is highlighted on the blue icon. For example, in the first below screenshot, the software will register the angles data at 10° and then automatically will proceed to the Max steering.
For switching steering mode, press F2 (blue).
If you are interested to know more about any of these additional features, kindly contact us and we will be pleased to offer more detailed information and training.