In an effort to continuesly improve our product range to meet customers’ requirements and technological developments, SPACE 3D and CCD wheel aligners are not integrated and can align the Texa ADAS calibration panels.
If your customer has or intends to purchase a Texa ADAS calibration equipment, you can offer him the possibility to quickly and precisely align the panel according to the thurst line of the car, using any of our wheel aligner models.
What does he need?
• Any new or existing SPACE wheel aligner of the current generation (i.e. 3D or WS) ;
• SPACE latest software version ( version or newer), which can be downloaded free from our web technical service area ;
• STDA141ADAS token, enabling the ADAS panel positioning function on our aligner. This is standard with our ARP3DHPR model, optional (price on our current Export Price List) for the other 3D and CCD models. It also opens the ALIGNER CONNECT function (remote control and visualization on tablets/smartphones) ;
• STDA150TX set of 2 adapters to mount our 3D front targets (or measuring heads in case of ccd aligners) on the Texa Adas panel. Price on our current Export Price List as well ;
• Firmware version shall be 240 or newer (only for 3D aligners, no need to upgrade firmware in case of CCD aligners) ;
• If the customer performs the ADAS calibration with our 3D aligner on the floor, a set of stands STDA3D/QC are recommended (no need when using CCD aligners), Price on our current Export Price List as well.