Our new APP for test lanes, allowing remote control and repeater functions, promises the same success of the ALIGNER Connect!
This smart APP allows to reproduce on your smartphone and/or tablet what appears on the monitor of the test lane’s control unit and to operate and interact on the equipment software directly through your electronic devices.
It is the ideal solution for a more convenient vehicle inspection operation, even if the monitor is far and/or at the moment non visible from your working position, confirming one more time the flexibility and efficiency of our test lane equipment.
TEST LANE Connect is compatible with all the Space test lanes and brake testers BTS2 series, equipped with smartcard. You can install the APP on brand-new, on stock and already on-service systems (minimum software update is
TEST LANE Connect is available for download on Play Store for Android systems or on App Store for iOS systems and a free demo modality of 60 days is allowed. Expiring the 60 days, you can choose to purchase the use right of the app by purchasing the Token file (code SRT128). A Wi-Fi Access Point, that you can decide to purchase from us (code STDA142) or procure locally, should connect the test lane’s control unit to the mobile device.
You can connect an unlimited number of devices (smartphones and/or tablets) to your test lane’s control unit.
Now…you can CONNECT!